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 IRIB Publication House (IPH) is a dedicated publisher specializing in high-quality educational materials for the health sciences. Our mission is to support students, educators, and professionals by providing a comprehensive range of resources tailored to various fields within the health sector.

Iri BooksE-library

 IRIB Publication House (IPH) is a dedicated publisher specializing in high-quality educational materials for the health sciences. Our mission is to support students, educators, and professionals by providing a comprehensive range of resources tailored to various fields within the health sector.

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Mid ka mid ah daryeel-bixiyeyaasha ugu wanaagsan ee magaalada. Waxaan jeclaa hab-dhaqankooda iyo sida ay ula dhaqmaan dadka guud ahaan.Adeeg cajiib ah iyo dhaqan ka sii cajiib badan. Nidaamkooda maamul iyo sida ay ula dhaqmaan odayaasha waan ka helay. . Ut enim ad minim.

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